COB 2019

Clash of the Bots 2019

Clash of the Bots 2019

The Builders meeting before the matches begin.

The Battlebot Foxit made an apearance.

Crowds gather to watch the fights. Approximately 500 spectators visited throughout the day.

Fairy Winners

1st–CorpseGrinder 150– Chase Kanoy (Wait for it)
2nd–Scoop–David Liaw(Team Ice)
3rd–Phantom Storm–Ben Murphy(Phantom Bot-X)
oughton Robotics)

Ant Winners

1st–Little Bastard–Sawyer Wright (Mugga Junk)
2nd–Spike Lee– Jason Moore (Aeronautic Robotics)
3rd–Ratfish–Mark Harrison (Mobile Electronic Assault Team)

Beetle Winners

1st–Captain Doom–Tyler Nguyen (Team Doom)
2nd–Mugga Junk–Sawyer Wright (Mugga Junk)
3rd-Hailstone–Mark Elam (Team Corsair)

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